Aim High Solar Mission Statement
“Treat customers how we’d like to be treated by adhering to the Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.”
These are not just words to us, but a creed to live and work by.

Integrity First
The willingness to do what is right even when no one else is looking.
In life there are many times where it’d be so much easier and cheaper to cut a corner on the small stuff every now and then. By adhering to the value of Integrity First it means you can rest assured we will sweat the small stuff in every aspect of your installation… even though you will most likely never know about it!
Service Before Self
Taking the time and making the effort to properly plan and execute with precision regardless of the personal/company costs.
When you become a customer of Aim High Solar, doing your installation timely and to the highest standards becomes our top priority; even if it requires us squeezing through your attic, shoveling a foot of snow off your roof, or working on the weekend to beat the coming storms. As our customer, we are there to serve you.
Excellence in All We Do
Strive for continuous improvement in everything we do.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said this about excellence: If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.’
At Aim High Solar we strive to be the best solar installer in Colorado Springs.