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Humans have used the sun’s thermal energy for thousands of years to heat water, but it’s only relatively recently we’ve had the ability to directly convert sunlight to electricity. Solar electric cells (sometimes called “photovoltaic,” or “PV”) are constructed using high-quality silicon and trace elements. This creates an electrical junction that produces direct current electricity when exposed to sunlight. Add conductive materials to gather the electricity, a glass front, an aluminum frame, wiring, and various sealants to these cells and we have a solar electric module!
As electricity is generated by your solar electric system, it’s first used in your home or business as needed. If you are producing more electricity than you are currently using, that excess can be sent to the utility grid for a credit. At night or when it’s cloudy, you’ll use electricity from the grid.
The most AMAZING thing about solar is that it is the only technology that can create energy which contains NO MOVING PARTS (other than electrons)!
NO moving parts = NO friction = Nothing to wear out!
Solar simply sits on your roof and makes energy, day after day for the next 25 years! No bearings to wear out, no lubrication needed, no oil to change, no filters to clog…NOTHING but pure clean energy day after day!
Want to learn more about the physics of how solar electric modules produce electricity? Check out the infographic below, courtesy of Save On Energy and the Solar Energy Industries Association.

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